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Grade 11 Functions - MCR3U

This course introduces the mathematical concept of the function by extending students’ experiences with linear and quadratic relations.


Courses Type: University Preparation

Prerequisite: MPM2D, Grade 10 Principles of Mathematics




Grade 11 Biology - SBI3U

This course furthers students’ understanding of the processes that occur in biological systems.


Courses Type: University Preparation

Prerequisite: SNC2D, Grade 10 Science




Grade 11 Chemistry - SCH3U

This course allows students to deepen their understanding of chemistry through the study of the properties of chemicals and chemical bonds; chemical reactions. 


Courses Type: University Preparation

Prerequisite: SNC2D, Grade 10 Science


This course develops students’ understanding of the basic concepts of physics. Students will explore kinematics, with an emphasis on linear motion; different kinds of forces; energy transformations; the properties of mechanical waves and sound; and electricity and magnetism.


Courses Type: University Preparation

Prerequisite: SNC2D, Grade 10 Science



Grade 11 Physics - SPH3U

Grade 11 Computer Science - ICS3U

This course introduces students to the study of computer science and allows them to design software using industry-standard programming tools and applying the software development life-cycle model.


Courses Type: University Preparation

Prerequisite: None


English as a second Language ( ESLEO)

ESLEO prepares students to use English with increasing fluency and accuracy in both academic and social settings and to participate in Canadian society as informed citizens.


Foundations of Mathematics Grade 11, College(MBF3C)

This course enables students to broaden their understanding of mathematics as a problem-solving tool in the real world. Students will extend their understanding of quadratic relations; investigate situations involving exponential growth. 

Courses Type: College

Prerequisite: Foundations of Mathematics, Gr. 10 Applied


Functions and Applications Grade 11, College(MCF3M)

This course introduces the mathematical concept of the function by extending students’ experiences with quadratic relations. It focuses on quadratic, trigonometric, and exponential functions and their use in modelling real-world situations.


Courses Type: College

Prerequisite: Principles of Mathematics, Grade 10, Academic, or Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 10, Applied


Biology, College Preparation(SBI3C)

This course focuses on the processes that occur in biological systems. Students will learn concepts and theories as they conduct investigations in the areas of cellular biology, microbiology, genetics, the anatomy of mammals, and the structure of plants and their role in the natural environment.


Courses Type: College

Prerequisite: Science, Grade 10, Academic or Applied

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